Friday, 15 March 2013

Eddie the One Eyed Mascot

About six months ago when I was still back in Chinnor my veterinary nurse sister brought home a scruffy looking mutt who had been found wandering a local council estate with one of his eyes hanging out. This was not at all as surprising as you might think, my sister regularly brought her work home with her in the form of hedgehogs, ducks, squirrels and various other poorly creatures.

Originally this dog was only meant to stay until he could be re-homed but we soon became used to having him around, even my dad - who usually refuses to get emotionally attached to animals - saw something in this injured pup he couldn't help but love. Names started being thrown around from the macabre 'Popeye' to the insufferably cute 'Alfie'. After much discussion my suggestion of 'Eddie' seemed to have gained the most popularity and after a brief family conference it was decided. Eddie the one eyed dog was now a member of our family.

Now if I were to have chosen a breed of dog to join our family I would of insisted on something hardworking and noble like a Collie or Black Labrador, definitely not a rat on-a stick Pug/Terrier cross that smells of carpets. Alas though this is not how things with my family, servants of Karma that we are it was fated that our new dog would come to us and come to us he did.

Against all my prior history of dog preference I have come to thoroughly adore Eddie and although he smells terrible he is both quiet and affectionate. His lone eye  and smushed up face give him one of the most comically sad expressions I have ever seen on the face of a canine.
Look at that punnum :)

Needless to say ever since we met I have had to resist the urge to buy him an eye-patch. Fortunately art has given me the option of envisioning this without putting him through the shame and here is the result - Eddie the One Eyed Dog (With Eye-patch) my new mascot and personal hero :)

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